Advanced Life Support (ALS)
2022sat06augAll DayAdvanced Life Support (ALS)
Event Details
Advanced Life Support (ALS) with Early Management of Trauma Advanced Life Support biannual certification to ANZCOR / ILCOR / ARC guidelines This activity is accredited by the RACGP for 40 CPD Accredited
Event Details
Advanced Life Support (ALS) with Early Management of Trauma
- Advanced Life Support biannual certification to ANZCOR / ILCOR / ARC guidelines
- This activity is accredited by the RACGP for 40 CPD Accredited Activity Points (ALSO and BLS)
- RACGP Grants – JCCA ER CPD, Rural and Procedural Training Grants in Emergency, Anaesthetic, Obstetric and Surgery
This course is designed for Doctors, Registered Nurses, Registered Paramedics. Specifically: General Practitioners, Training Registrars, Rural and Remote Health Practitioners, Hospital and Pre-Hospital based Nursing and Medical staff, Private Paramedics, Defence Force Medical, Nursing and Advanced Medics.
A predominantly small group scenario-based program designed to allow trainees to master the clinical interventions required to deliver adult ALS as recommended by the Australian and New Zealand Committee on Resuscitation (ANZCOR)
Topics covered:
- Adult and Paediatric Life Support
- Advanced airway management
- Early trauma management of the c-spine
- Manual and automatic deibrillation
- Cardioversion and External cardiac pacing
- Intraosseous insertion
- ANZCOR cardiac arrest algorithms and drug therapy
- Recognition and Management of the Deteriorating Patient
- Rhythm Interpretation
- Reversable Causes
- Scenario based assessment
- Crisis Resource Management
- Pregnancy considerations
- Team leading and communication
- Debriefing discussions
- Post resuscitation care
- Arrest leadership and communication skills
Enquiries to:
- Barry McCarthy
Director Bledisloe Medical
0429 700 626
Delivered by experienced and qualified senior Critical Care and Emergency Medicine professionals, currently working in the industry to an advanced level.
August 6, 2022 All Day(GMT+10:00)