Mental health services

COVID-19 and Mental Health Options

A range of telephone and digital mental health options are available for people to access at this time.

The Life in Mind team at Everymind has worked with the suicide prevention and mental health sectors, and in collaboration with the National Mental Health Commission to provide a comprehensive list of resources to support those affected.

New Access - 1300 224 636 (no mental health care plan required)

Head to Health - An excellent resource for a range of information and options in a user friendly website

MindSpot Clinic - 1800 614 434

New MBS telehealth options are available for mental health professionals.

SANE Australia Mental health organisation for people with complex mental health issues - 1800 187 263

Psychologist in group therapy
Dial 000 in an emergency
If someone is at immediate risk of attempting to harm themselves or someone else, call triple zero (000).

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Last Updated on September 13, 2024.