Yellow Envelope
Yellow Envelopes
The Yellow Envelope is a communication tool used in clinical handover when residents of aged care facilities are transferred to and from hospital. Its aim is to improve patient safety and the quality and continuity of care.
Residential aged care services and hospitals within the Central QLD, Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast regions can order a supply of Yellow Envelopes by emailing
Alternatively, you can also download the yellow envelope template here and affix to an envelope.
RACHs and hospitals outside of the PHN regions above can visit the Department of Health website to find their PHN details.

Support material
The clinical information flow charts illustrate how the Yellow Envelope supports clinical handover between settings of care and between care providers.
A copy of the flowcharts can be downloaded here
The yellow envelope factsheet for residents and families can be downloaded here
The Yellow Envelope education and training package has been developed to support implementation and education of staff at your facility. To request the training package and for support in implementing the yellow envelope in your facility, contact the PHN at
Yellow Envelope Evaluation
Give us your feedback by scanning the QR Code.