My Health Record
for the community
My Health Record is a secure online summary of your health information such as prescriptions, vaccinations, allergies, and results of pathology tests. You control what goes into it, and who can have access.
Talk to your doctor
Uploading information to your My Health Record is not automatic. It is up to your healthcare provider, such as your GP, to upload health information to your record.
Next time you visit your GP, ask whether they use the My Health Record system. If they use My Health Record, you can:
- Discuss whether you want them to automatically upload your future health information to keep your My Health Record updated.
- Make decisions about what types of information you want on your record, now and into the future.
- Discuss whether to add a summary of your medical history to your record.
Only healthcare providers involved in a person’s care, who are registered with the My Health Record System Operator, are allowed by law to access My Health Record.
This can include GPs, pharmacies, pathology labs, hospitals, specialists, and allied health professionals.
You can allow others, such as a partner, child, parent or carer to access your record by making them an authorised representative, or a nominated representative.
- No government departments can directly access the My Health Record system.
- No information can be released to law enforcement or a government agency without your consent or an order from a judicial officer.
- No one is permitted to access, or ask you to disclose, any information within your My Health Record for insurance or employment purposes.
myhealth app
Access My Health Record information on your mobile via the new my health app.
my health, is an Australian Digital Health Agency owned and managed app, and is the latest digital
tool developed by the Agency to help consumers and their carers engage with and be proactive in
managing their health.

You can cancel and have your My Health Record permanently deleted from the system at any time. Similarly, if you have opted out you can create a record at any stage if you choose.
Manage your record
Get help

my health provides easy access to key health information once it has been uploaded to My Health
Record including:
- medicine information history
- pathology results, including COVID-19 test results
- proof of vaccination history and upcoming immunisations
- allergy and reactions information
- hospital discharge summaries
- advance care planning documents
my health is now available to download from iOS and Android app stores by searching for “my
health gov”.