Caring for patients with COVID-19

This web page, developed by Queensland Primary Health Networks, provides support and information to Queensland general practices during the transition to living with COVID-19.  Information is regularly updated as it becomes available.

Latest information

General practices are being asked to focus on care for people with moderate risk. People triaged as moderate risk through the National Coronavirus Helpline and COVID-19 symptom checker are advised to seek care from their GP. The vast majority of care will be delivered by telehealth.

GPs should refer to their local HealthPathways for up-to-date information on the clinical management of these patients, including escalation pathways if people deteriorate and referral to disease modifying treatments such as monoclonal antibodies.

Access HealthPathways

Commissioned home visits for COVID-19 positive cases

Most people with COVID-19 recover at home without face-to-face medical care and most consultations can be resolved with high quality telehealth consultations. However, in limited circumstances where telehealth is not appropriate, support is now available for an in-home visit where the visit will help avoid unnecessary escalation of COVID positive patients to hospital.  

Under the program, CCQ (the PHN) will provide support to general practices who are actively managing COVID-19 positive cases in the community.  This initiative will facilitate in home visits for those individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 or who are impacted by a COVID-19 isolation direction while isolating at home or in a Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF). This support may be especially helpful for those with more complex co-morbid medical conditions and risk factors for deterioration who need assessment and management of other health conditions e.g. minor injury, wound dressings. 

A general practitioner must assess the appropriateness and eligibility of a home visit, however practices can engage their practice nurses, nurse practitioners or general practitioners to conduct the home visit as deemed necessary. Home visits under this program are not intended to be for routine monitoring or for a reason that can be delayed until after the isolation period.  

The practice will be paid a $250 fee for each visit. This includes an amount for reporting requirements and is a flat fee for all visits.

The PHN can also support in-home practice visits with PPE bundles for practitioners – orders can be places via our PPE Bundle and Emergency Provision Ordering Form.

View the FAQs here.

For further information or to register your interest in joining this initiative please email

Find previous PHN COVID-19 alerts here