Suturing Course
2023wed24mayAll DaySuturing Course
Event Details
Wound closure and suturing course cover the theoretical and practical essentials required to close and manage non-complex traumatic lacerations, punch biopsy, and surgical excision. The emphasis is
Event Details
Wound closure and suturing course cover the theoretical and practical essentials required to close and manage
non-complex traumatic lacerations, punch biopsy, and surgical excision.
The emphasis is on the fundamentals of gaining closure, eliminating dead space and scar
minimisation working within your technical ability, scope of practice and
workplace policy and procedure to provide high level patient care.
This course is combination of online learning with a practical skills training day which
covers the following:
- Using
instruments - Local
anaesthetic - Knot
tying - Closure techniques: suturing, staples, glue and wound closure strips
- Wound management
This course provides the theoretical and practical essentials to
close and manage noncomplex traumatic laceration, biopsies and surgical excisions.
The course is ideally suited to nurses, medical students and doctors that have little or
no suturing experience or wish to advance their current basic skill of only using single
interrupted suturing technique.
May 24, 2023 All Day(GMT+10:00)
Sunshine Coast