In the region with the Biloela Dementia Action Alliance

In Sunshine Coast by PHN Communications

Our Healthy Ageing Team was in Biloela recently, alongside the local Dementia Alliance seeking feedback on our Dementia Journal Resource Pack, which also included a magnet developed in partnership with Dementia Australia.  

Country to Coast, QLD Director of Healthy Ageing, Julie Dymock said these resources were developed to assist people living with dementia to communicate their health needs, preferences and values with health care professionals, and to help people living with dementia and their families keep track of health appointments.  

Smiles all around from Judy Mazzer, Biloela Dementia Action Alliance, Maria Bruckmaier​, Care Finders Footprints, Anne Bartuschat and Julie Dymock from Country to Coast QLD facilitate consumer testing the CCQ dementia resources on Wednesday, 28 August.

Bileola Dementia Action Alliance, CEO Judy Mazzer was thrilled to have Country to Coast, QLD in town, choosing to travel to Biloela as the launching pad for the dementia resources.

‘Our participants living with dementia, and their carers provided valuable feedback on the range of resources, and how they will assist in their healthcare planning’, Judy said.

One participant particuarly enjoyed the event saying, ‘It’s the first time in four years, I have been able to speak with others about my dementia, it was excellent, thank you.’

The journal can help people to:

  • make notes before, during and after appointments with their GP, and health professional
  • access helpful advice and contacts on seeking information on living with dementia
  • access local support networks close by to their home (including networks for carers and family)
  • keep a detailed record of current medications
  • keep prescriptions and any other important documents in a handy pocket.

To pre-register for some packs for members of your community and their carers, or for your patients message us: