Good quality research that translates into improved health outcomes in the community is the cornerstone of modern healthcare. Within the PHN boundaries, there are an increasing number of research facilities with a health focus. Our PHN has developed a research opportunities page on our website to help bring researchers and …
Scamwatch: Beware investment wolves knocking at the door
Scamwatch is warning the Australian community to be wary about investment scams, with statistics revealing Australians are collectively losing $4.3 million a month to these scams. In 2018, more than $26 million has been reported lost to investment scams—already 84 per cent of the total losses recorded in 2017. This …
Respiratory diseases among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children need a greater focus
A new review by the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet (HealthInfoNet) has found that the lung health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children requires a greater focus. The review found that best-practice medicine is essential to reduce the burden of respiratory illness in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. HealthInfoNet Director, …
Help for the homeless
On Saturday, 28 July the Maroochy Neighbourhood Centre organised a localised Care Day for homeless and marginalised members of the community. This was a great opportunity to give vulnerable populations more information about available health services in the Sunshine Coast area. In total more than 150 community members attended the …
Join Black Dog Institute’s Mental Health Community of Practice
Black Dog Institute’s Mental Health Community of Practice is a private online community for health professionals with an interest in mental health. The community is facilitated by medcast and combines education and knowledge sharing activities. To join the Mental Health Community of Practice, you need to be a Health Professional …
Direct action needed to cure hepatitis C
In March 2016 a number of direct acting antiviral medications for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C infection were made available on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. These medications are highly effective, curing over 95 percent of those treated, have little or no adverse side effects and are easily self-administered. General …
Join the walk to save people from kidney disease
Across Australia, thousands of people will walk during September 2018 to show their support for kidney patients, families of people with kidney disease, and people at risk of developing kidney disease. Over 1.7 million people are living with kidney disease across Australia right now. Kidney Health Australia exists to help …
CareSearch emphasises the importance of evidence-informed palliative care
CareSearch will celebrate its 10th anniversary on 3 August 2018 to highlight the importance of evidence-informed palliative care. As the demand for palliative care in Australia increases, so too does the need to ensure that patients, their carers and families, health practitioner and aged care providers have easy access to …
Influence the future of lung conditions in Australia
Lung Foundation Australia are developing the first National Strategic Action Plan for Lung Conditions through funding from the Australian Government Department of Health. This action plan will be developed in consultation with an Advisory Group and is due for submission in early December. It will influence future decision making and …
Are you confident in providing end of life care for older Australians?
How do you know if your older patient is nearing death? How can you better manage their symptoms and help them die well? End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC) is a free, government-funded resource designed to connect you with evidence-based tools and resources in palliative care and advance …
New sessions to support families affected by alcohol and drugs
Gympie families can access new support sessions to help them through the issues caused by the problematic misuse of alcohol and drugs, such as methamphetamine. Over the past 20 years Family Drug Support (FDS) has provided support to thousands family members across Australia. When someone in the family has problematic …
Supporting carers to manage breakthrough symptoms safely
caring@home aims to improve the quality of palliative care service delivery across Australia by developing resources that support people to be cared for, and to die at home, if that is their choice. caring@home is a national project, led by the Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative, and funded by the …
Project breaks down barriers to reach isolated carers
The Caring for Carers of People with Dementia Project links isolated carers of older people with dementia to other carers living in regional and rural Australia. The free chat-based group program allows carers to chat with other carers in similar circumstances. Carers join a weekly group video conference meeting from …
Public Health Advisory to GPs in Wide Bay Food recall – potential Listeria contamination
There is a current trade recall of frozen vegetables due to concerns about possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes. The recall is a precautionary measure following an investigation in Europe of an outbreak of a specific strain of L. monocytogenes with 47 cases across 5 EU countries. The outbreak, dating back …
Keep an eye out for the latest Medicare scam
According to an alert from the Australian Government’s Stay Smart Online Service, online scammers have set up a clone of the myGov website to trick you into sharing your login and bank account details. The scam starts with a phishing email that looks like it is from Medicare, asking you …
Better mental health outcomes for children
The National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health recognise that the best way to support child mental health is through early intervention and prevention. There is a need to build the capacity of our workforce so that we can support parents to improve the mental health outcomes of infants and …
You can now get all cervical screening records in one place
The National Cancer Screening Register will be able to provide healthcare providers with the patients’ full cervical screening history regardless of the state or territory where test was performed. Previously, healthcare providers have been contacting state and territory registers for cervical screening histories pre 1 December 2017, and the NCSR …
Public health alert – Measles in Sunshine Coast area
Sunshine Coast Public Health Unit has been notified of a confirmed case of measles in a Sunshine Coast resident. The infection was acquired overseas. There is a low risk of further cases of measles. When a patient with measles attends a medical facility, other patients, visitors and staff are at …
Smoking cessation on the road to saving 10000 lives
Research shows the most effective way to quit smoking is to use nicotine replacement therapy or quit smoking medication in combination with support from a GP or health professional. Quitline is offering smokers in Central Queensland a tailored, quit smoking program with 12 weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy mailed …
A new MBS rebate structure is coming with the financial year
The Australian Government is introducing new Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item fee arrangements for non-vocationally recognised general practitioners (non-VR GPs). The new arrangements will affect claims for services provided by these doctors from 1 July 2018. The changes will ensure that MBS fees payable reflect recognised levels of expertise, reward …