End of Life Essentials
Event Details
The End-of-Life Essentials Project offers free peer-reviewed online education modules on health care at the end of life in acute hospitals for nurses, doctors and allied health professionals. The content of
Event Details
The End-of-Life Essentials Project offers free peer-reviewed online education modules on health care at the end of life in acute hospitals for nurses, doctors and allied health professionals.
The content of the modules has been developed from the ACSQHC National End-of-life Consensus Statement. A range of implementation tools are also available to assist managers and clinicians to implement a unified approach to strategies and processes which will inform end-of-life care.
Accessing EOLE Education
Our new education platform is live!
The education modules are designed to assist doctors, nurses and allied health professionals working in acute hospitals in delivering end-of-life care. They are free to use. They can be accessed on the web from anywhere in Australia.
All modules are hosted on our Learning Management System and you only need to register once.
News article for PHN’s and LHN’s
The Importance of Coordinating Patient Care In End-of-Life Essentials new module, ‘The Importance of Coordinating Patient Care’, is the exploration of end-of-life care needs in the scenario of ‘George’ during his transfer from his residential aged care facility to the hospital, and after assessment, back to his facility.
Patients at the end of life have usually been receiving services from various health professionals for many years; from hospital staff, general practitioners, community health staff, aged care facility staff, and possibly private providers of health care. Sometimes the services are coordinated, sometimes they are not. Identifying which patients, like George, are approaching the end-of-life phase is crucial to delivering appropriate health care. Recognition of end of life allows patients and families to plan for inevitable death.
The End-of-Life Essentials (EOLE) Project provides free evidence-based online education for health professionals to assist in improving end-of-life care.
Year Around Event (2022)