Our story
CCQ covers a broad geographic area, with the vision to build healthy, resilient, connected communities.

Gordon Browning, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Coordinator for our region has told the story of our PHN with this colourful design which is explained below:
- The multi-coloured circle at the core of this design represents our PHN’s key values of respect, diversity, innovation, collaboration, courage, excellence, and being people centred.
- Moving outwards, the six green dots represent our PHN’s health priorities: chronic disease prevention and management; maternal and child health services; mental health and suicide prevention; alcohol and other drugs; older persons’ health care; and palliative care.
- The health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders is a key priority in our region, so each is represented by the inclusion of each flag’s colours in the next layer.
- Pointing outwards are message sticks, highlighting the communication pathways and partnerships that have been built to connect our communities.
- Between each pair of message sticks is a blue circle to draw attention to our enablers - that help us do what we do. These are: workforce development; system integration and collaboration; health intelligence and data analytics; and governance / clinical governance.
- The orange path is the linking point between the various communities within our region.
- The outer dotted circles represent the communities we have provided funding to support ongoing service delivery.