Paediatric asthma surge in February

In Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

The National Asthma Council Australia is asking doctors to help their young asthma patients have a great start to the school year by ensuring their healthy return to the classroom. Parents and carers need to be prepared so they and their kids with asthma are confident about managing their asthma …

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New data breach legislation is on the horizon

In Sunshine Coast by PHN Communications

The new Mandatory Data Breach reporting scheme requires organisations to conduct assessments of suspected data breaches and notify individuals likely to be at risk. From 22 February 2018, it will be mandatory for organisations to notify the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). Organisations will need to notify any …

Help your patients get access to the NDIS

In Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

To allow the NDIA to determine whether a person meets the disability or early intervention access requirements to join the NDIS, evidence of disability may need to be provided to the NDIA. Evidence of disability includes information on what the disability is, how long it will last and its impact …

Are you ready for the changes to codeine?

In Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

All health providers should be aware of the changes to codeine scheduling. From next Thursday, 1 February 2018, patients will need a prescription for all medicines containing codeine. The PHN has developed a new resource to help practices prepare for the codeine changes which are just around the corner. You …

Getting kids in Gympie ready for school

In Sunshine Coast by PHN Communications

Child therapy services in Gympie have receive a $120,000 funding boost to kick off the new school year. Debbie Blumel, CEO for Children’s Therapy Centre said families in Gympie would be able to access free therapy sessions for developmentally vulnerable children. “If parents, child care providers, GPs or specialists have …

Upgrade your skills with the heart foundation ambassador bursary

In Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

The Heart Foundation’s Health Professional Ambassador Program (HPAP) is open to health professionals who wish to update their knowledge, skills and develop the confidence to improve cardiovascular health outcomes in their workplace. Applicants must be a registered Practice Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker or Health …

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Join the Integrated Care Alliance

In Sunshine Coast by PHN Communications

The Integrated Care Alliance is currently seeking new representatives. The alliance was formed to ensure integration occurs from an organisational and system level with the patients at the centre of the health system. Members of the alliance meet bi monthly to work collaboratively on projects that consider the entire patient …

Apply security updates and keep sensitive data safe

In Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

The new year has kicked off with two new IT Security vulnerabilities being identified called “Meltdown” & “Spectre”. These vulnerabilities exploit critical issues in modern computer processors. These hardware vulnerabilities allow programs to steal data which is currently processed on the computer. While programs are typically not permitted to read …