Telehealth for RACH Impact Statements

In Sunshine Coast by PHN Communications

In 2023, many RACHs applied for Telehealth grants. If you did receive a grant, please note the extended final due date for the Telehealth Grant Impact Statement for RACH is approaching fast, with submissions due at close of business, Tuesday 10 June 2024.

You also should have received a reminder communication from CCQ on Monday 3 June.

Telehealth Support Grants are part of the Commonwealth’s response to Aged Care Reform. The purpose of this grant is to increase the availability and use of telehealth for residents living in aged care homes and to reduce avoidable hospital presentations.

If you received a Telehealth Grant at your RACH, completing the Online Impact Statement not only fulfills the mandatory requirement of the Telehealth Grant process, but also allows you to highlight the positive outcomes you have achieved. Your input will also help us measure the effectiveness of the program, guiding future efforts for digital health programs.

As previously shared, we have compiled the following resources to support you throughout this process:

  1. Grant Guidelinesdocument
    2. Annexure A – Telehealth Technology options brochure
    3. Annexure B – Considerations for Telehealth
  2. Telehealth webinar recording
  3. Telehealth toolkit

If you have any difficulties with your equipment or data collection or would like additional support, please contact us via