Dr Helen Whiltshire, GPLO with CCQ.
The hospital are reviewing their whole system of Antenatal Care and Shared Care is considered a main option for women. There is a commitment from the hospital to improve Maternity services, with continuity of care a large part of that, and GP care is recognised as central to this effort.
Here’s a summary so far – many of you will already be aware of these:
- Early referrals to Antenatal clinic are encouraged, with E-referral preferred, using the Template (available on Health pathways here: https://cq.healthpathwayscommunity.org/index.htm) Find it under Forms and Templates, CQHHS Specialist Outpatients Department, Maternity Booking-In Referral. Templates available to download into MD and BP.
- Ideally women can be seen for a booking visit between 12-16 weeks with the HHS, and then return to GPs for Shared Care
- Antenatal clinic have a list of Shared Care GPs and provide these names to women looking for a GP. Please let me know if you would like to be on this list.
- New Pregnancy Care Guidelines have been published by the Department of Health, and the Clinical Guidelines (Short Form) is a concise summary of current recommendations.
- GPs can provide the “Blue book” Pregnancy Health Record to patients. I can get these to you – just let me know .
Please contact Dr Helen Wiltshire with any questions, or feedback for the HHS. I look forward to hearing from you and adding you to the Shared Care GP List.