Aged Care Student Nurse Placement Program

In News by PHN Communications

APNA’s Aged Care program supports second and third-year Bachelor of Nursing students wishing to experience what it is like to work in the exciting sector in aged care.  

Students are supported on placements by dedicated Clinical Nurse Facilitators (RNs) funded by APNA. The facilitators ensure students meet their learning outcomes and assessments mapped specifically to each Education Provider. This model of supervision and learning aims to reduce any impact on the Aged Care facility’s existing staff workload and ensure the continuation of workflow. 

Student nurses on the placements are given the support they need to acquire higher-level skills, including leadership, chronic disease management, complex care and head-to-toe assessments.  

APNA’s Aged Care Knowledge Hub also provides resources, tools and support for nursing students taking the first steps towards a fulfilling career in aged care. 

The Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placements Program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.