New General Practice in Aged Care Incentive (GPACI) to improve access to primary care  

In News by PHN Communications

The Australian Department of Health is developing the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive (GPACI) funding a $112 million investment in aged care over four years.  The new program will give aged care residents better access to high-quality, continuous and person-centred primary care.  From August 2024, the new incentive will …

Protect our most vulnerable against the worst of COVID-19 

In News by PHN Communications

Reported cases of COVID-19 are on the rise in our region, including outbreaks in residential aged care homes, putting our more vulnerable community members at risk.   The latest recommendation from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) is for people over the age of 75 years or older to receive …

New MBS Level E Consultation (60 minutes or more)

In News by PHN Communications

New MBS Level E Consultation items were established on 1 November 2023 for longer consultations of 60 minutes or more where clinically required, as announced in the 2023-24 Budget. This will allow better management of care of patients with chronic conditions and complex care needs such as, but not limited …

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New RACGP Standards for general practice residential aged care

In News by PHN Communications

RACGP has recently developed the Standards for general practice residential aged care (1st edition) (Standards for GPRAC) to support and enhance the delivery of high-quality and safe general practitioner care to residents in residential aged care facilities (RACFs).   The Standards for GPRAC focus on the clinical and systemic interface between the GP …

HealthPathways contributes to CPD hours

In News by PHN Communications

Did you know that HealthPathways can be used as a tool to assist in reflective learning that counts towards CPD hours?  Using HealthPathways for CPD is formally approved by RACGP and ACRRM.  Appraise your knowledge and application of local guidelines and referral pathways after using HealthPathways to assist your patient …

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Provider Connect Australia Update

In News by PHN Communications

Provider Connect Australia (PCA™) is a new service operated by the Australian Digital Health Agency that will change how you update information about healthcare services and practitioners, eliminating the need to keep multiple directories up-to-date manually.  PCA™ is a centralised service which reduces duplication and streamlines notifications for general practice, Aboriginal Medical Services, …

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Bundaberg and Rockhampton residents welcome Medicare Urgent Care Clinics

In Central Queensland, News, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

Rockhampton and Bundaberg residents are choosing access to bulk-billed urgent care without a visit to the emergency department, with the recent opening of Medicare Urgent Care Clinics in each regional city. Funded by Country to Coast, QLD through the Australian Government’s PHN Program, the Medicare Urgent Care Clinics provide same-day …

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EOI: Queensland Respiratory and Sleep Clinical Network Steering Committee

In Central Queensland, News, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

Expressions of Interest are invited for General Practitioner (GP) membership of the Qld Respiratory and Sleep Clinical Network Steering Committee. Further information about the role can be found in the attached EOI and details about the QRSCN Steering Committee can be found in the attached Terms of Reference. Applications should include: …

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Queensland Clinical Guidelines – Neonatal now published

In Central Queensland, News, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

Queensland Clinical Guidelines (QCG) wishes to acknowledge and thank clinicians for their support and involvement in the development of statewide clinical guidelines and neonatal medicine monographs, these guidelines have been published at Neonatal stabilisation for retrieval (Guideline Number: MN23.18-V3-R28) Neonatal hypoglycaemia (Guideline Number: MN23.8-V13-R28) These guidelines replace the previous …

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Queensland General Practice Liaison Network releases 2023 Annual Report

In Central Queensland, News, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

In partnership, Clinical Excellence Queensland and Country to Coast, QLD deliver the Queensland General Practice Liaison (QGPL) Network, integrating the patient journey of care across the interface between general practice and hospital care. The QGPL Network focuses on clinical communication and transfer of care, facilitating collaborative care and interprofessional education …

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Register now for Primary Sense and access real-time decision support

In Central Queensland, News, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

Country to Coast, QLD (CCQ) is pleased to introduce Primary Sense to general practices across the Central Queensland, WideBay and Sunshine Coast regions.  Designed to enhance the quality of patient care in our region, Primary Sense supports clinical decisions, population health management and streamlined data extraction, helping you analyse and …

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Let’s talk about the weather and heat-related illness

In Central Queensland, News, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

With multiple heatwaves forecast for this summer, Country to Coast, QLD is urging residents to take care and prevent heat-related stress and illness. Though a lesser-known killer, heatwaves are the most frequent cause of extreme weather-related injury hospitalisations and deaths in Australia, according a recent report by the Australian Institute of …