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Let’s talk about the weather and heat-related illness

In Central Queensland, News, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

With multiple heatwaves forecast for this summer, Country to Coast, QLD is urging residents to take care and prevent heat-related stress and illness. Though a lesser-known killer, heatwaves are the most frequent cause of extreme weather-related injury hospitalisations and deaths in Australia, according a recent report by the Australian Institute of …

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Grant opportunity for Primary Care Nursing Scholarships

In Central Queensland, News, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

This year the Department of Health and Ageing announced the Strengthening Medicare Initiative – Supporting the medical and health workforce and   allocated $49.363 million to invest in and establish a program for registered nurses and midwives in post-graduate study to improve their skills. The program will address workforce shortages …

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Register now for our 2024 Clinical Societies events

In Sunshine Coast by PHN Communications

Shape the future of health in your region and join your health professional colleagues at Country to Coast Qld’s 2024 Clinical Society events. Launched in mid-2023, our Clinical Society gatherings are going from strength to strength, attracting 473 participants at 18 events this year across the Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay …

Country to Coast, Qld launches community grant opportunity for flood-affected regions

In Central Queensland, News, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

Country to Coast, QLD (CCQ) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that delivers the Primary Health Network (PHN) programs on behalf of the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care. Through community needs-assessment we aim to commission leading health services which meet the needs of our region to achieve their healthiest …

Country to Coast, QLD Board announces new CCQ Clinical Advisory Council

In Central Queensland, News, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

During June the Country to Coast, QLD (CCQ) Board engaged with eligible healthcare professionals from across the Central Queensland, Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast regions, to consolidate the existing three clinical councils into one council which would advise collectively on achieving health outcomes region wide, the Country to Coast, QLD …

Country to Coast, Queensland Board welcomes new Director Paul White

In Sunshine Coast by Logan Sanders

Paul White served as the Chief Executive Officer of ASX-listed company Brisbane Broncos Ltd, from January 1, 2011, until February 2021. He obtained an MBA from Central Queensland University. Before joining the Broncos, Paul held high-level positions at Anglo American Metallurgical Coal and Xstrata Zinc. He is an accomplished Director …