Dementia and Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) and Support Service (RaSS)
Event Details
The University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC), partnering with Lutheran Services, proudly presents the fourth in our series of Lunchbox Lectures Dementia and Residential Aged Care Facility
Event Details
The University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC), partnering with Lutheran Services, proudly presents the fourth in our series of Lunchbox Lectures
Dementia and Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) and Support Service (RaSS)
Date and Time: Wednesday 9th November 2022. 11am – 12.30pm
Location: UniSC Gympie, 71 Cartwright Road, Gympie 4570
Understanding Dementia and the Impacts How the Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) and Support Service (RaSS) assists aged care residents and you.
About this Event
3rd year nursing students will undertake a final clinical placement at Lutheran Services Cooinda Aged Care prior to completion of their degrees. The Transition to Practice Program is supported by a series of seminars on aged-related topics to be presented by academics and industry experts to assist the students in their chosen career path.
The Lunchbox Lectures are available to everyone and will allow you to learn how UniSC and Lutheran Services wish to support the development of the Aged Care sector in the future as well as strengthen your knowledge of key age-related health topics.
Topic 1: Dementia
An increase in life expectancy has led to greater numbers of elderly people within our society. The sum of people in the population who have dementia is likewise growing. The anticipated magnitude of the impact of dementia means we need to consider increasing public awareness, reducing stigma and social isolation and facilitating access to services and support for sufferers and carers as a matter of urgency. Likewise, improving the education of professionals regarding dementia is imperative.
Presenter 1: Caylie Field is with Dementia Australia and is also the Queensland Manager for the Centre for Dementia Learning (CDL). CDL supports organisations and the workforce who are dealing with people living with dementia through education and related services. Caylie’s background in Speech Pathology means that she has vast experience in managing and delivering therapy services to adults and older people in acute, community, disability and residential settings both here in Australia and the UK. Throughout her career, Caylie has been committed to delivering education to healthcare workers and more recently she has focused her skills on the education of those working with people living with dementia.
Presenter 2: Dr Judy McCrow is an expert in Behaviours Support and an Aged Care Service Manager at Lutheran Services. Judy has worked extensively in a variety of roles including clinical management, education and research across both acute and aged care. She also worked as a researcher at the Dementia Collaborative Research Centre at Queensland University of Technology. Judy worked closely with the Dementia Training and Study Centre (DTSC) and her PHD investigated a model of education to improve nurse recognition of delirium.
Topic 2: What is the Residential Aged Care Facility Support Service (RaSS)?
Presenter 3: Dr Ruth Devin is a general physician and geriatrician. Ruth is a Senior Medical Officer with the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service. She is the Co-Director of Geriatrics and Rehabilitation and the Co-Lead of the RaSS Service. This informative presentation will provide us with some history, look at the available services and who it supports as well as educate the audience on how and when to access this innovative service.
Phone: 5456 5800
(Wednesday) 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
University of the Sunshine Coast, Gympie
71 Cartwright Road