Is he really infertile? Let's talk about sperm
2022sat20augAll DayIs he really infertile? Let's talk about sperm
Event Details
The Education Program in Reproduction and Development (EPRD), Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBGYN) at Monash University together with Healthy Male are excited to offer a
Event Details
The Education Program in Reproduction and Development (EPRD), Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBGYN) at Monash University together with Healthy Male are excited to offer a new short course about male fertility. The course will provide essential and advanced knowledge in the field of male infertility and its management, focussing on its prevalence and causes. Conventional semen parameters will be discussed in context with the World Health Organisation guidelines (WHO) and the recent WHO 6th edition guidelines to explain the changes in reporting and interpreting. Standard and new prospective treatment strategies in assisted reproductive technologies will be presented.
This course is designed for General Practitioners, RANZCOG fellows and trainees, IVF specialists, sexual health and family planning staff, pathologists and reproductive scientists.
Online, live webinar.
Note: Presentations will be accessible for three months following the course.
Session titles
- Male infertility – from practice to controversy.
- The ins and outs of semen analysis in 2022.
- The decline in sperm quality and how we deal with it.
- Case studies in male infertility.
- Professor Robert McLachlan – Medical Director, Healthy Male.
- Professor Ben W Mol – Director, Clinical Trials Unit, Dept Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Monash University.
- Associate Professor Peter Temple-Smith – EPRD, Dept Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Monash University.
- Dr Fabrizzio Horta – Lecturer, Dept Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Monash University.
- Associate Professor Sally Catt – Director, EPRD, Dept Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Monash University.
- Emily Zuvela – Managing Director, External Quality Assurance Schemes for Reproductive Medicine.
- Clinical Associate Professor Hassan Bakos – Scientific Director, Monash IVF Group, NSW.
- Dr Reza Nosrati – Director Applied Microfuidics and Bioengineering (AMB) lab, Monash University.
- Dr Rui Wang – NHRMC Research Fellow, Dept Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Monash University.
- Dr Glenn Duns – GP, Men’s Health Melbourne.
RACGP – CPD application pending
RANZCOG – CPD application pending
APACE – CPD application pending
NZIMLS – CPD application pending
All Day (Saturday)