Mental health services
in your community
How to access services
Call 1300 747 724 to speak to a trained health professional who will direct you to the best service for any of your needs.
Talk to your GP
Mental ill health can impact negatively on your physical health, just a physical health problem can affect your mental health. You can talk to your GP if you feel sad after a relative has passed away, if the pressures of life are making you unhappy and anxious, or if you feel angry or confused.
GPs don't just prescribe medicines for mental health conditions. They can also help you to access therapies and point you towards specialist help.
Some face-to-face services are subsidised by Medicare. If you and your GP think you would benefit from accessing this type of service, your GP will prepare a Mental Health Treatment Plan and make a referral to an appropriately qualified provider.
National Psychosocial Support measure (NPS)
The NPS program is for people with moderate-severe mental health conditions who do not quite meet NDIS eligibility. The supports offered by the program provide a range of non-clinical community based support individuals to achieve their recovery goals.
For more information on the NPS program, please see our NPS page.
Dial 000 in an emergency
If someone is at immediate risk of attempting to harm themselves or someone else, call triple zero (000).
Support services
Sunshine Coast Mental Health Service
- 1300MHCALL (1300 64 2255)
- Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
Central Queensland Acute Care Teams
- 1300MHCALL (1300 64 2255)
- Rockhampton 07 4920 6111
- Gladstone 07 4976 3244
- Emerald 07 4983 9750
- Capricorn Coast Mental Health 07 4913 3200
- Biloela 07 4992 7000
Wide Bay
- Community Mental Health 07 4150 2600
- After hours 07 4150 2500
All regions
A 24-hour, nationwide service that provides telephone and online counselling
A 24-hour, nationwide service that provides telephone and online counselling
Provides mental health and wellbeing information, support and services in Australia