Palliative Care
Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual.World Health Organisation
Resources and Information for clinicians, care providers and health professionals
Recommended Resources, Education and Training for Health Professionals
The links provided below provide a range of best practice resources, education and training from credible sources.
Please also visit our PHN Education & Events and Self-directed Learning pages for upcoming local and online options.

Talking about palliative care
Talking about dying is hard. And it is sad. However, death is inevitable and the better prepared we are for our death, the easier it will be for us and the ones we leave behind. It is also important to talk about death so you can prepare well. When we prepare in advance for our death we are able to relieve the decision making burden on those closest to us.
Specialist Palliative Rural Telehealth Service (SPaRTa)
Rural and remote GPs and other clinicians can now access specialist palliative care telehealth consultation for their patients nearing end of life.
- PallConsult
Phone: 1300 PALLCR (1300 725 527) – 24/7 advice for for nurses and allied health
Phone: 1300 PALLDR (1300 725 537) – 24/7 advice for GPs and NPs
PallConsult is a 24/7 telephone hotline for doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses and allied health providers to directly access a palliative care medical consultant. - Interagency Steering Committee
Interagency Steering Committee The Country to Coast Palliative Care Interagency Steering Committee’s will work in partnership with other palliative care providers such as community services, specialist palliative care providers and aged care facilities, to provide advice and support for the coordination and integration of palliative care across primary, and secondary, tertiary and community health services to support at home palliative care for those that choose it.
Phone: (07) 5456 8100
HealthPathways is an online manual used by clinicians to help make assessment, management, and specialist request decisions for over 550 conditions.
View upcoming education opportunities here