Quick guide to cervical screening

In Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

According to Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation (ACCF), almost 45% of Australian women aren’t up to date with their cervical screening. From 12-18 November 2018, ACCF will be running a campaign for National Cervical Cancer Awareness week. This presents a great time to focus on the importance of cervical cancer screening …

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Meet our new GPLO in Bundaberg

In Wide Bay by PHN Communications

My name is Fionna Hadden and I am really excited to have joined the Bundaberg Office of the CCQ as a GP Liaison Officer. I am looking forward to meeting you all over the coming months but wanted to take the opportunity to briefly introduce myself and welcome your communication …

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Updated: Cases of infectious syphilis in Central Highlands

In Central Queensland by PHN Communications

The outbreak of syphilis in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander young people continues in North Queensland. There have also been increased syphilis notifications in men who have sex with men, notably in the Cairns and Hinterland HHS area. Recently there have been several cases of infectious syphilis diagnosed within Rockhampton …

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Palliative care survey for GPs and practices

In Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

The Australian Government has engaged PHNs to improve coordination and integration of palliative care across primary, secondary, tertiary and community health services to support at home palliative care for people who choose it. A key activity of the program is to conduct a service mapping exercise to identify the availability of services within the …

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New portal supports end of life care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

In Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

Palliative Care Australia (PCA) and Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet have launched the new Palliative Care and End-of-Life Resource portal for the workforce who support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The palliative care and end-of-life portal is designed to assist health professionals who provide care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander …

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Recommendations for preconception carrier screening

In Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

New position statements from the RACGP and RANZCOG recognise the importance of preconception carrier screening. Patients may present to general practice looking for information regarding rare genetic conditions and the role of genetic testing. What is preconception carrier screening? Preconception carrier screening is genetic testing performed ideally prior to pregnancy, …

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Stop the rise of STIs

In Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

A new sexual health campaign is rolling out across Queensland to challenge the high and rising rates of STIs. Consumer research found that young people aged 15 to 29 have the highest rates of STIs. This also corresponded with significant knowledge gaps when it comes to sexual health. The research …

New clinical guidelines for osteoarthritis

In Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has updated its Guidelines for the management of hip and knee osteoarthritis. The latest recommendations indicate that people with osteoarthritis should adopt a combination of lifestyle changes and regular exercise. The guidelines also indicate that cognitive behavioural therapy may be appropriate to …

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Clinical advice for the 2018 Polio outbreak in Papua New Guinea

In Sunshine Coast by PHN Communications

In June 2018, the Government of Papua New Guinea notified the World Health Organization (WHO) of an outbreak of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus. The Government of Papua New Guinea is working with partners, including WHO and UNICEF, to take appropriate outbreak response measures including contact tracing, testing and vaccination. Polio is …