Become a Cyber Warden and help keep your business cyber-safe

In Sunshine Coast by PHN Communications

Did you know that the 2022 ransomware attack on an Australian health insurer exposed the sensitive data of 9.7 million Australians?

Digital transformation in the primary care sector can unlock amazing opportunities and new ways of working, but it comes with risks that must be understood and managed. Cyber security, resilience, and the ability to defend and recover from cyber threats, is critical for your business continuity and protecting your clients’ information.

The Australian Government’s free Cyber Wardens program is a simple online education tool designed to make your small business cyber-safe. Educating your team about cyber threats will help to protect your small business against cyber threats and recover from a cyber attack.

Anyone can become a Cyber Warden – you don’t have to be an IT whiz or tech-savvy. Learn simple and effective steps you can take to make your business safer.

Get the resources you need to get started and visit