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Type 2 diabetes workshops

In Sunshine Coast by PHN Communications

Have you been diagnosed by your GP with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes? Would you like to learn more about your condition and how to manage it? A series of free sessions will cover information on type 2 diabetes, self management practice, health professional care, healthy lifestyle behaviours, and further support in the community. …

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GPs and health providers invited to participate in SISTAQUIT trial

In Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

The SISTAQUIT™ trial aims to improve health providers’ skills when offering smoking cessation care to pregnant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. Pregnancy is an important window of opportunity for GPs and health providers to help smokers quit. This intervention provides webinar-based training in evidence based and culturally competent smoking …

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Community services moving to a new location

In News, Sunshine Coast by PHN Communications

Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service is progressively relocating 19 community services to a purpose-built, centrally-located and service-specific facility in Maroochydore. All these relocations will be complete by the end of March and will have no impact to current service delivery. Mental Health and Addiction Services clinical community services located …

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Non-VR Fellowship Support Program

In Central Queensland, News, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

The Non-Vocationally Registered Fellowship Support Program is a financial contribution of up to $15,000 which will be applied to ACRRM’s Independent Pathway as part of the Commonwealth’s Stronger Rural Health Strategy. The Independent Pathway is an established Australian Medical Council accredited education and training program which offers flexibility and recognition …

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New resource explains latest treatment options for patients with severe asthma

In Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

The National Asthma Council Australia has released a new evidence-based resource for primary care health professionals to help explain the latest treatment options for patients with severe asthma. The Monoclonal antibody therapy for severe asthma information paper was developed based on the latest available evidence and implications for practice in primary care. …

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AMAQ Regional Private Practice Series on this week

In Central Queensland, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

The AMA Queensland Regional Private Practice Seminar Series Two: Workplace policies and risk management will be hosted, on 5 & 6 December, in Bundaberg and Rockhampton this week. Join Michelle Cowan, Senior Industrial Officer, AMA Queensland and Paul Copeland, Director, William Buck to examine the set-up of a policy framework …

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Natural disaster recovery resources for families with infants and young children

In Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

It’s Queensland, where summer doesn’t always mean ‘beautiful one day, perfect the next’. For many Queensland families, this summer is likely to bring continued drought and bush fire risk. Other families may endure storms, cyclones or flooding. While extreme weather events can be stressful for adults, children aged 0 to …

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Queensland Health awards Referral contract

In Sunshine Coast by PHN Communications

Queensland Health has awarded a contract to BPAC Informatics Pty to provide their eReferrals solution capability SeNT to be integrated as part of the Queensland Health Smart Referrals solution. The Smart Referrals solution is a key initiative of The Queensland Health Specialist Outpatient Strategy launched in 2016. The BPAC eReferral …

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners can supply and administer scheduled medicines

In Sunshine Coast by PHN Communications

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners working in isolated practice areas in Queensland now have the authority to supply and administer scheduled medicines in accordance with amendments to the Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996. These authorities apply to staff of both Hospital and Health Services and Aboriginal and …

Looking back on maternal shared care in Rockhampton

In Central Queensland by PHN Communications

Dr Helen Wiltshire, Central Queensland, Wide Bay, Sunshine Coast PHN’s GPLO for Maternity Care The inaugural GP Antenatal Shared Care workshop was held in Rockhampton on Saturday 20, October 2018. The update was presented by CCQ and the Rockhampton Hospital. It provided an update for GPs who wish to undertake …