My Health for Life –
Empowering Queenslanders for Wellness
In Queensland, the health landscape presents significant challenges, with 62% of Queenslanders being overweight or obese, 43% not engaging in enough physical activity, and 93% falling short on vegetable consumption. Additionally, Queensland adults, on average, report 9.0 unhealthy days in the past 30 days1. In the context of these statistics, it is imperative to address the health needs of the population.
This QI activity focuses on identifying patients eligible for the My health for life (MH4L) program, a free, six month lifestyle modification program where patients work with a health coach to achieve their health goals.
General goal | Our primary goal is to enhance the health and well-being of Queenslanders by identifying eligible patients for the MH4L program and increasing the number of My Health for Life referrals. |
Relevant resources | To support the My Health for Life program, you can access a range of resources: 1. Review the My Health for Life Program eligibility criteria, program guidelines and referral options. The My Health for Life program has developed comprehensive resources for health providers. 2. RACGP Clinical Guidelines - General Health: Explore RACGP's clinical guidelines on general health to ensure alignment with best practices. RACGP 5th Edition Accreditation Standards & Preventive Health Criterion C4.1 – Health Promotion and Preventive Care. 3. HealthPathways: Utilise HealthPathways for local approaches to support individuals in their health journey. Search Lifestyle Modification Programs in the search bar. 4. Promote: Use waiting room promotion and encourage patients to complete relevant assessments. Speak to eligible patients about the program and encourage uptake. Resources can be obtained via the My Health for life team 5. Recalls and reminders: Be clear about when and how you want to use these flags. Train IT Medical have several resources available: |
Bring the team together | Before embarking on this quality improvement journey, it is essential to bring the entire team together. The initial steps include identifying current issues and brainstorming ideas to facilitate improvement. This collaborative approach will foster a shared understanding of the challenges and solutions. 1. Review and analyse current practice processes for the My Health for Life program. 2. Breakdown any common barriers to optimal care with the team and brainstorm ideas to improve processes. |
Your data | What data do we need? You must be clear about the data you require to drive this improvement: 1. Benchmark Report: Utilise relevant benchmark reports to serve as a baseline against which you can measure your progress. 2. Primary Sense Resource: Utilise Primary Sense for reports (such as Cardiovascular Risk Report) identifying eligible patient cohorts. There are several reports available to support you in identifying eligible patients. 3. Utilise PenCS recipe on Improve Data Quality: Leverage PenCS's recipes for identifying high-risk and eligible patient cohorts. 4. Clinical Software: Understand the capabilities and limitations of your medical software. You need to ensure that your software is optimised for data quality and clinical coding. |
Possible improvement ideas | To achieve your goal, you can consider several actions such as: 1. Improve recording of lifestyle and wellness data in clinical software. 2. Using Primary Sense and PenCat to identify active patients eligible for the MH4L program. 3. Recall eligible patients via a phone call, email or SMS to discuss referral to the free program. 4. Increase the number of health assessments (MBS item 701, 703, 705, 707) claimed in the last 12 months. 5. Increase the number of heart health checks (MBS item 699) claimed in the last 12 months. 6. Increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (MBS item 715) health checks claimed in the last 12 months. |
QI templates | Utilise Country to Coast, Qld PDSA templates to structure and document your improvement efforts. These templates will provide a standardised framework for tracking progress and ensuring that all relevant aspects are considered. |
Shared PDSA examples | We can draw inspiration from shared Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) examples within your practice. These examples can provide valuable insights into effective quality improvement strategies and outcomes, helping you make informed decisions and adjustments in your journey to improve the health and well-being of Queenslanders. Here are some completed examples to get your started |
- With your CCQ practice support team and with your patients
- Ensure you document your quality improvement activity to meet PIP QI guidelines and for CPD purposes
- The Report of the Chief Health Officer, Queensland, 2022